Play Therapy
Two delightful social workers, S & E, spent their weekends entertaining Dr Parts & me and a roomful of other prospective adoptive parents. [Jargon alert: PAP=Prospective Adoptive Parents, or Potential Adoptive Parents. Lots of new alphabet soup to me.] This was the Special Needs Adoption Coalition training provided for folks who are considering adopting kids who are in the custody of the State of Oregon.
S was especially good. I mean fabulously good. I mean'take me hope adopt me now please please please' good. Entertaining and informative. Realistic. Acknowledging how hard it really is. And it is hard.
So, if I can't adopt George and his brood, I'm happy to say that Dr Parts & I are happy to be considering adopting a boy or two through the State of Oregon.
Right now, I want these three cutie pies. They were listed in the Oregonian today, so I'm OK with linking up to them. Thankfull, Dr Parts will remind me of our practical limitations. In other words, it may be unreasonable to expect a 9th grader, an 8th grader and a kindergardener to share a single bedroom.
We have to collect lots of paperwork and we're probably 6 months out from being ready to present ourselves to the decision-makers as a home-study ready family. That and a lot of cleaning & sorting to do at home. Hopefully these three kids will already be with their growing-up family by that time.
But, we felt committed and ready enough to commit retail.
Thus, the photo. Lego Therapy. The kids may never get this stuff away from Dr. Parts.
Isn't there a LegoLand in San Diego? Or should we go right to Denmark?
I am still frightened that my health and/or my diabetes may prevent me from becoming a parent, even with the adoption route. My foot pain has to be under enough control to give me the emotional reserves to be able to deal with supporting growing boys.
Since seeing the fasting BG reading of 165 yesterday, I didn't test this morning. Not the most health-supporting move.
Tomorrow is another day. Another day to live healthy and make good choices. Another day closer to being a mom.