Very Old, Very Healthy Diabetic

...or die trying.
I was diagnosed in 1998 at the age of 33 with NIDDM or Type 2 diabetes. I come from a diabetic clan. I even married a diabetic. Are you on the diabetes road, too?
This is my goal: to become a very old, very healthy diabetic by day to day choices regarding eating, exercise and medical management. Walk along with me...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I've missed you!

I have missed blogging. It's true. Even though I have not blogged, I have not forgotten about blogging.

I may need to take the blog in a different direction. I'm now informed that the use of 'diabetic' as a noun to describe a person with diabetes is inappropriate. Bleah. I've been so discouraged by my foot pain, and discouraged about the path of my diabetes. I've been thinking that I will not reach my goal of being very old and very healthy, with diabetes.

Work's been crazy. My numbers have been up, but my physician seems, to me, to be slow to act. She wants to test and wait, test and wait. I'm ready for Lantus or Byetta, but she's reluctant. I believe she knows that the insurance company won't pay for Byetta until we go through all the other (cheaper) options.

Dr Parts & I went on vacation. We went to Florida and spent a week in the Orlando area. We spend lots of time in DisneyWorld and also visited the Kennedy Space Center. Lots of fun.

About 1 week before the vacation, I had a classic diabetes experience. I discovered a foot injury VISUALLY. In other words, I injured myself, but did not realize it until I was pulling off my socks later in the evening. I must have stubbed my toe, and split the nail, at about a 45 degree angle, to about halfway down the nail bed. Yup, it was bloody and everything. It was my right big toe. That's where the numbness is starting.

Damn. Time to get slippers or something to wear around the house. I ordered some Keen sandals. I like their toe protection, and it's still close to barefoot. They still haven't arrived.

After I got back from vacation, I went and got a pedicure, and the gal helped work on that right toenail, to make sure it does not become ingrown, after such a deep injury. However, she also worked on the left large toe toenail. And whatever she did, IT has become infected and slightly ingrown. Curses! How does this happen?

I took my new little portable scooter on vacation. My feet felt surprisingly good throughout the vacation. The photo at the top is me, having volunteered, at the Disney Hollywood Studios park. Note the water gear. Do you think that Lori will get wet in the next few moments? Why, yes! Yes, she will!
I'll post more photos, perhaps tomorrow.

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  • At 7:49 AM, Blogger Scott K. Johnson said…

    Hi Lori!

    We have missed you too, but you know that we'll always be around when you need to blog, or read, or seek help, or whatever. We're here.

    Sorry to hear about the toes. I'm sure that's pretty scary for you. Sounds like you are on top of it though and are keeping a good eye on it.

  • At 4:50 AM, Blogger nonizamboni said…

    What a great place to visit! I've just been diagnosed w/Type2 and being a newbie your site gave me great encouragement.
    Thanks for sharing!

  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger Marie Connelly said…

    Hi Lori,

    My name is Marie Connelly and I'm the Community Producer for a new health website called WEGO Health. I've been spending some time reading your blog and I really appreciate your openness and honest writing about life with Type 2 Diabetes.

    Because of your involvement within the diabetes community, I wanted to get in touch with you and let you know a little bit about what we're doing at WEGO Health.

    We recently launched and our mission is to identify, rank, and organize the most helpful health and wellness content online and make it easy to access by everyone. We need the help of people like you, with real experience with these topics, to review the material and help us decide what information is most helpful. We can then organize the rated content and provide the public with only the most useful articles to save them time. Pulling together good health information is definitely a team effort.

    Our mission is articulated very nicely here [].

    I'd love to learn more about your goals and see if there is a way we might be able to work together. Please feel free to contact me at the email address below.

    Best regards,

    Marie Connelly

  • At 6:01 AM, Blogger Bob Hawkinson said…

    I hope you are able to jump on this quickly and stop the possible obvious outcome. As you know,Tight control is a must for the long healthy life of a diabetic. It is my deepest hope that you do whatever it takes to gain control. I'm 45, 44 years D, and going strong.
    I know you don't need anyone to tell you what to do, but an old Diabetes Nurse educator once told me....out of control diabetics die a piece at a time.
    Change doctors if you have to, change jobs if you have cash for your medicine if you have to, ....but do what it takes. It sounds like a lot of people are hoping for and wishing you a long health life...myself included.

    Best wishes, and I hope you have much success.
    Keep Going..........Peace, Bob if you wanna come look around and maybe we can link..if I haven't hacked you is my website.
    If you are still looking for Jiminy Cricket.....I offer my services, and promise to do my best.
    As you can see, we don't even know each other, and I'm wanting to keep you straight......
    I am not the perfect diabetic, and I'm not sure who is, but I am actively engaged in my D. It is definitely not a disease that allows a passive approach....if you want to live long anyway!
    you can also get me at Cheers...Bob


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