Thursday, April 22, 2010
I am job hunting. Slowly, surely.
I went to Seattle for a one day seminar with Jack Canfield (video with music begins automatically). I loved it. I loved the hotel room that I stayed in, and I loved Jack's speaking and his message. I would love to go to his August week-long training in Arizona. I'm just uncertain if that's the wisest way to spend my money this year.
I have an interview in Maryland that I am very excited about. I would love to have that job, and love to live in that part of the world again. Friends say, would you really move? And I say, YES!
Although moving is difficult, and I am not sure how much money this potential employer would offer for relocation. If they offer zero money for relocation, would I move then? I shall have to think about that.
I am still not yet divorced. My DH (remember, that's departing husband) still does not have all of his stuff out of my house.
My blood sugars seem to be stable, but higher than I'd like. I am still working to find a consistent yoga practice, and build a consistent walking practice.
My two foster dogs for Ratbone Rescues have been adopted out. So, it's me, and Snickers and Beanie. We're doing all right.
I am thinking about book writing, thinking about who I am, at my core.
Life is good.
PS. Cathy, at WebMD, I have no way to contact you. How can we talk further?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Yoga for Diabetes Type 2
I have now survived a yoga class. I was sweaty and sore, and looked terrible in my headwrap, but I did it. I exercised, and I am going back.
I can see how yoga would produce strength and flexibility. Has anybody studied yoga, and similar exercise regimens for Type 2 diabetes? I don't know. I do think this is an exercise that one could do for the rest of one's life. Being able to continue to do the exercise forever is, imho, an important consideration for choosing an exercise for a person with diabetes.
I am not currently employed. I am bursting with ideas, and am taking action on several. I must plant and nurture some seeds and see what grows.
The unemployment situation is wreaking havoc with my meds. Really. COBRA is great, but I have no idea what the pharmacy will find when I go to renew my 'scripts next week. My usual co-pay, at this time of year, is $200 for a monthly supply. I fear it may be far, far greater, if the COBRA doesn't show up when they run the insurance.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
And now, no job.
My employment ended mid-January.
My boss is very happy. And I am too, actually. I enjoy having more time to do the things that I want to do, and spend time in my own home, with my dogs.
I am going to miss the paycheck.
I am starting the job search. Regroup. My mother called me RESILIENT. I think this is my current life motto. Resilient.
I am having to choose carefully who I spend my time with. It is no picnic to hear people say discouraging things about the job market. I don't need lots of jobs. I need one job. And one job is easy to find. I can always find employment; it just may not be at the career level that I was hoping to be at.
So please send encouraging comments only.
I have finished a scarf for my sister in law, and am planning on designing a few hat patterns for a local knit shop. Me. Designing. OMG, as they say.
And perhaps I can pick up some writing jobs. Freelance? I don't know.
It feels like a beginning, not an end. I miss my coworkers. I miss them a lot. They are a group of highly talented women, with joy and creativity. It was a privilege to work with them for the time I did.
So, at the very least, there should be more blog posting.
How does this affect my diabetes? I don't know. I haven't been testing. It's tough for me to create structure for my life without the job. I'm getting back on track, though.
I am resilient.
Labels: benefits, employment, job
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dear Bob, and the rest of the world,
Thanks for your recent comment. It has spurred me a little. See?
You're right. Over a year without blogging is far too long.
And what a year it's been.
My husband has walked out on me. So, Dr. Parts is no more. His stuff is still here. He left in September, but his stuff is still here. I'm really not entirely sure why he left, due to his less-than-articulate explanation. It may have to due with too much clutter in the house, foster dogs who are not fully housetrained, my inability/unwillingness to rescue him financially any longer, or his allergies being triggered by something in the house. Those are my top guesses.
We are separated, but not legally separated, not legally divorced. Wait and see, wait and see.
Work is changing drastically in the next month to three months. I'm excited, but nervous. I'm excited about the new offices. I'm eager for more face-to-face contact with our customers.
I haven't been testing my blood sugar. I've been spotty on taking my meds. They drew blood for an HbA1c test on Monday. We'll see what it reveals early next week.
I really miss my husband's paycheck the most. I'm not sure if I'll need to declare bankruptcy. I'm not sure if I will lose my house. I may need to get a roommate, which would be fine, if I can get DH's (which, in this context means "departing husband") cra-I mean stuff out of my home.
I have two fosterdogs for Ratbone Rescues. One has an approved adoptive home. The second guy, Jorge does not. He is very sweet, and I would like to keep him forever, but really. Three dogs are too many for one person, working full time.
Good things this year? Sock Summit. Thank you Blue Moon Fiber Arts aka Tina Newton and Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. Sock Summit was so damn good. I took a vacation week to go. It was in my home town. I was there every day. It was the best vacation ever. EVER.
My grandfather is still alive. My mother is still alive. I am not on insulin. My father is still alive. My brother and his wife are still alive. Their pseudo-children (long story) are adorable and bring much joy into their and my lives. (That last sentence was strange, but true, and, I think, grammatically correct.) I have not killed any of my coworkers. I have not killed any of my foster dogs. My foster dogs have not killed any of my cats, despite diligent efforts.
Life is still good, even when bad things happen. Even when people who promised things to you are unable to keep their promises. Even when it's hard to predict the future.
I promise to not go an entire year again without blogging. Thanks for the reminder, Bob.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Snow Day
This is actually snow day #7, which, IMHO, is seven days too many. And they're predicting four to six more. Yuck.
We're doing OK, enough food & water and plenty of heat. We haven't lost power. Haven't had to go out for medications or medical treatment.
And this is the correct position for snow days in our household.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
I'd really like to have a pool or spa this Christmas. I'd like this one. Or maybe this one.
I think the possibility of exercising in water are very exciting and would really help me with my diabetes control. There are a couple of problems however.
1. I think you'd also have to include a home or piece of property to fit either one. I just don't think how we could fit such an item in our current 25' x 50' sloping lot.
2. I don't really remember ever having believed in Santa. My mom and my dad gave me presents.
So, this is it. My first letter to Santa. Merry Christmas, big guy. Thanks for cheering people up. They need lots of love and cheering, and some folks only get it from you.
Lori Rode
I'd really like to have a pool or spa this Christmas. I'd like this one. Or maybe this one.
I think the possibility of exercising in water are very exciting and would really help me with my diabetes control. There are a couple of problems however.
1. I think you'd also have to include a home or piece of property to fit either one. I just don't think how we could fit such an item in our current 25' x 50' sloping lot.
2. I don't really remember ever having believed in Santa. My mom and my dad gave me presents.
So, this is it. My first letter to Santa. Merry Christmas, big guy. Thanks for cheering people up. They need lots of love and cheering, and some folks only get it from you.
Lori Rode
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tenth Anniversary
I was diagnosed with diabetes ten years ago this month.
I had given blood at the local Red Cross, and got a letter from them saying that my blood was rejected, due to high liver enzymes.
I went to my physician, saying "What's wrong with my liver?"
Ultimately, his answer was, "Nothing's wrong with your liver, but you have diabetes."
And thus, my diabetes life was launched.
I had to remind my current physician that I am now 10 years post-diagnosis, as there is often a change in this disease that seems to happen 8-12 years after diagnosis. Previous control methods may stop working, and new meds or new eating or exercise plans may need to take place.
I've had to step up my medications. I'm now on Januvia. Hooooray!
It controls my numbers very nicely. I'm still on the other meds, metformin, glipizide, etc.
I remain discouraged about my diabetes, and about my ability to reach my goal of being a very old, very healthy [person with diabetes]. My feet still hurt, but I'm able to function. I'm scared to walk my dogs, though, or do other standing exercise for fear of debilitating pain.
My weight is about 200 lbs. I am discouraged about my ability to get it back down to about 150-160, which would be very healthy for me.
But, life is good.
I'm hoping to become more active in my blog. I know, I know. I took a year off. So sue me.
We'll see how it goes. With this disease, with me, with my life, I've got to focus on the positive. I've got to focus on the next step in front of me, not the 999 miles beyond that. One step at a time, and, in a flash, ten years have gone by.
PS. I owe Bernard $100. I have not forgotten. He is a saint. I'm writing the check today.
I had given blood at the local Red Cross, and got a letter from them saying that my blood was rejected, due to high liver enzymes.
I went to my physician, saying "What's wrong with my liver?"
Ultimately, his answer was, "Nothing's wrong with your liver, but you have diabetes."
And thus, my diabetes life was launched.
I had to remind my current physician that I am now 10 years post-diagnosis, as there is often a change in this disease that seems to happen 8-12 years after diagnosis. Previous control methods may stop working, and new meds or new eating or exercise plans may need to take place.
I've had to step up my medications. I'm now on Januvia. Hooooray!
It controls my numbers very nicely. I'm still on the other meds, metformin, glipizide, etc.
I remain discouraged about my diabetes, and about my ability to reach my goal of being a very old, very healthy [person with diabetes]. My feet still hurt, but I'm able to function. I'm scared to walk my dogs, though, or do other standing exercise for fear of debilitating pain.
My weight is about 200 lbs. I am discouraged about my ability to get it back down to about 150-160, which would be very healthy for me.
But, life is good.
I'm hoping to become more active in my blog. I know, I know. I took a year off. So sue me.
We'll see how it goes. With this disease, with me, with my life, I've got to focus on the positive. I've got to focus on the next step in front of me, not the 999 miles beyond that. One step at a time, and, in a flash, ten years have gone by.
PS. I owe Bernard $100. I have not forgotten. He is a saint. I'm writing the check today.
Labels: depression, diabetes, diagnosis, exercise, weight, weight loss